Direct Rental Assistance Community Meeting

in: Public Notice on: 08/14/2024

Lewiston Housing invites stakeholders, voucher holders, landlords, and community members to a webinar where we will explore the possibility of introducing Direct Rental Assistance (DRA) in our community. This meeting is an opportunity to learn about the concept, share your thoughts, and help shape the future of housing assistance in Lewiston.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Understanding Direct Rental Assistance: Learn what DRA is and how it differs from traditional rental assistance programs.
  • Community Impact: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of DRA for tenants, landlords, and the broader community.
  • Your Voice Matters: This webinar is not just informative—it’s interactive. We want to hear your feedback and concerns to ensure any future program meets the needs of our community.

Event Details:

  • Date: August 21, 2024
  • Time: 12 – 1 PM
  • Location: 86 Lisbon St, Lewiston, ME

Your input is vital. Whether you’re a current voucher holder, landlord, or simply interested in the future of housing in Lewiston, we encourage you to join us and share your perspective. Together, we can explore how best to serve our community’s housing needs.

How to Register:

Registration is easy! Simply click on the link here to sign up for the webinar on 8/19/24 or show up in person on 8/21/24. We look forward to your participation and feedback.

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