Available Apartments in our Community

Lewiston Housing provides a list of apartments for rent provided by private landlords in our jurisdiction, which includes Lewiston, Green, Sabattus, Lisbon, and Lisbon Falls. Units must meet Housing Quality Standards and Rent Reasonableness to rent with a voucher and have not been pre-inspected.

Please contact the landlord directly for more information about the apartment and its availability. All listings will be listed for approximately 30 days.

Date ListedContact NameOrganization/CompanyContact Phone NumberApartment AddressNumber of BedroomsIs Unit Accessible/
Contract Rent
5/23/2023James Hart207-712-506730 Elm St, Lewiston1 BRNo$1000
6/7/2023ChrisASM Properties207-782-4393425 Main St Apt 1, Lewiston2 BRNo$1350

Protect yourself from scams: Scammers often try to take advantage of renters online. Learn more about these devious practices and how to protect yourself.

If you are a landlord and would like to list your apartment here, please complete the vacancy form.