Lewiston Housing Voucher Programs

Housing Choice Voucher Program

Lewiston Housing administers over 1200 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) in Lewiston, Greene, Lisbon, Lisbon Falls, and Sabattus.

HCV allows program participants to rent from landlords in the private market at an affordable rate. Participants pay roughly 30% of their adjusted gross monthly income towards rent, and Lewiston Housing pays the difference. Applicants to the program must meet certain income guidelines established by HUD. Apartments are inspected to make sure they pass Housing Quality Standards and are safe, decent places to live. 

If you are interested in applying for a Housing Choice Voucher, you may do so online at the Maine Centralized Waiting List.

If you require a paper application or would like more information, please call our office at (207) 783-1423.

Looking for an apartment to rent? Lewiston Housing maintains a list of apartments for rent in the community provided by private landlords.

Mainstream Voucher Program

The Mainstream Voucher program assists non-elderly participants with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Lewiston Housing currently administers 139 Mainstream vouchers and has resources to help provide security deposits to eligible program participants.

Applications for the Mainstream voucher program can be completed at the Maine Centralized Waiting List.

If you require a paper application or would like more information, please call our office at (207) 783-1423.


Our landlord partners are our most valuable relationship. Landlords who participate in our voucher programs have a guaranteed revenue stream with housing assistance payments (HAP) made on the first of each month, or the following business day should it be a weekend or holiday. Units are inspected at move in and at least every two years after to ensure that units meet basic safety standards protecting both landlords and tenants.  

Incentive Programs

Lewiston Housing has implemented four incentive programs for landlords and voucher holders. Learn more here.

Vacancy Listings

If you are a landlord and would like to list your apartment for rent to voucher holders, please complete the Vacancy Form.

Current Payment Standards

Below are our current payment standards. This is the maximum rent that can be paid at an assisted apartment, though apartments should still meet rent reasonableness.

Housing Choice Vouchers, Mainstream Vouchers, and Emergency Housing Vouchers (effective 2/1/2025)

Apartment SizeMaximum Rent ($)
Efficiency Unit$987
One Bedroom Unit$1,093
Two Bedroom Unit$1,394
Three Bedroom Unit$1,829
Four Bedroom Unit$2,029

Housing Choice Vouchers, Mainstream Vouchers, and Emergency Housing Vouchers (effective 1/1/2024-1/31/2025)

Apartment SizeMaximum Rent ($)
Efficiency Unit$907
One Bedroom Unit$1,052
Two Bedroom Unit$1,333
Three Bedroom Unit$1,754
Four Bedroom Unit$1,962

Previous payment standards can be found here: https://lewistonhousing.org/previous-payment-standards/

2024 Utility Allowances

2025 Utility Allowances